Nothing wrong with difficult, but the whole tutorial introduction I would consider making less misleading. Feel as it's heavily implied with first sorta intro missing coming from Blacksmith that your supposed to spend your money upgrading there. While Fighters guild or whatever it's called only given a brief look over. If you spend your money into buying about lvl 3-4 with character and buying 1 upgrade up in prime ability you plan on using. Game is not hard, but if you spend money on soley buying upgrades at blacksmith your gonna get squashed out playing through the forest.
So maybe problem is more to ease and make sure players fully realise their options. Nice demo btw, my one small gripe with is that it feels a little there not middle ground. Either you play to survive and spend money into upgrade to beating enemies, without much sex happening since those situations are something seems only to happen with high lust. So seems you intuitively try avoid getting there because it's so costly to lower. That or you simply play to lose and take money you can recover from losing and getting back to town, seems to be no real mechanic for utilizing sex as a means to win too.
But then again if you just go to lose and get naughty fun happening, the purpose of looking for treasure kinda go away. If purpose become to lose to see actual sex happening, so kinda wish there were some mechanic for choosing either more Virgin knight route and try survive without defeat, or the more bimbo or slutty route and utilizing the lust as a mean to fight battles somehow. Anyways just a thought enjoyed the demo overall