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So what kind of game are you planning on working on next? If it is from my ideas, I can write an outline! If it is something else, I can still always write the structure of the plot and then fill anything in that is wanted!

(2 edits)

I was just about to ask you the same thing! What have you been itching to start or try? I'm open to anything, as I get inspiration from others and it usually sparks ideas.

One I've been wanting to try (eventually) is something along the line of "questionable life choices".  Humans spend an enormous amount of time and energy ruminating back and wondering about the paths in life they did NOT take rather than appreciating and working with the one they did take. I'd like to run with that psychology a bit and make a series about those hard life choices, the difficult forks in the road that change the course of our lives forever. 

"Make easy choices, you'll lead a tough life. Make the tough choices, You'll lead an easy life."

I'm not sure this is something you'd be interested in, as I'm not 100% all of it could be kept PG, but I'm sure a great portion of it would. I like to keep almost all my stuff clean (or as clean as possible), as it's better for a wider audience and being shared. 

That sounds like a good idea! I can write most of whatever is appropriate! 

What were some ideas you've been tossing around that are dying to be written? :) 

Well, there is one I love! It comes with the problem that I need someone to code graphic art into the game, and then have the text at the bottom, if you could intertwine my twine with my images, that would be great! It will have 2-4 parts, not sure yet! I can expand a lot, but I finished outlining the story in my head, you know, telling it to myself as I walk around. Well anyways, it is about a boy who lives on a farm, and then one night his mom died giving birth to his little brother (About 1400s A.D., alternate world though, more fantasy than historical.) and afterwards his father loses his arm, and he goes to the doctor. They can't afford the bill, but if the doctor is allowed to test treatments on them, they get the equivalent to 3 months taxes. The boy (14) realizes he will have to work the farm, as his father is weakened temporarily from the tests, and s watching his brother. So he has to provide for the family, and eventually later on, an army comes through, and they leave some wounded soldiers there to recover, and the army moves on. The boy offers them lodging, but the soldiers share a secret that ends them up in a mountain settlement, where a small society is exploring an ancient ruins, and he finds something there that could change the world. That is a summarization of part one of the story. I will have some small choices in the story, but it will all lead to the same endings and such, or some will lead to soon coming death. 

I'm sorry I've been slow to's been a long week! Do you want to take this to email? 

I love that Provider story!!
It reminds me a little of a foreign film I saw about a Muslim girl who lost her father in an area overrun by Taliban with new rules that females weren't allowed to drive, shop, be seen, anything. She was young enough that she dressed like a boy and became the provider for herself, mom and sister after they nearly starved to death. 

I'm up for working on anything. I like working in teams. Building from other's ideas sparks my creativity. 

It's fine that you have had a long week! If possible, I would prefer to not use email, as I mostly just use the email for my school district, and so I can't send any emails out of district. I do have a lot of school work, but staying up and writing in google docs is something I normally do anyways, it's just that I would be writing out my story and not my philosophy. If you emailed a google doc then I could write on the doc there, and maybe we could release the game in chapters? So there would be several chapters of the story, where they all lead to the same ending of the chapter, and it is mostly small choices the player makes, and they try to reach the end of the chapter, and then the end of the final chapter is where they can have a variant ending. 

Hi, I'll do that right now. :)

Done. You should have it. Yay!