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I don't often (ever) write comments on blogs like this. However not making AU2 is going to be a real issue for your company, and I'd encourage you to reconsider for the following reasons (business related):

1) No active revenue stream.  While the $5 for download + the fees for costumes is probably more than you anticipated initially, it is not long term cash that will keep your business afloat. without thinking 18+ months away, you're being short-sighted (I'd even urge you to consider 36 months+)

2) the novelty of the game (the boom you're experiencing) will wear off (unfortunately; just the norm for business). it's not a knock to the game, as I personally really enjoy it, but it's currently a fad that you need to build out instead of squeeze to death (see #3)

3) the changes you're talking about making will not solve #1 or #2; instead, they are patchwork to draw out the novelty of the game. this game is not polished (and that's part of the charm) but for a larger success you will need to re-build. re-building does not open up any new revenue streams (maybe a small percentage if you charge for maps) to keep you going.

I like the changes you're thinking about, but there doesn't seem to be a strategy behind the why, how and at what cost (short or more importantly, long-term). Among Us 2 could be a huge success if done correctly, and putting all your eggs in an already full basket will just cause some of them to fall out and break.

hey, i think that one of the reasons they want to keep adding to among us 1 is because they dont want to split their fanbase into among us 1 and among us 2

I think they stopped working on among us 2 just for now if i understood correctly,maybe they will spend time into it if they added the new features to among us 1. But im not very confident that will happen,  but it has a small chance that it will happen. Anyway i hought i'd mention that there are only 3 producers in the team and only one of them is  programmer,  so hes probably really stressed out by how much players the game was getting.