Firstly Thanks for creating this ! Game looks and plays very good !
Loved your waterfall animations and use of color ! You must love the old Castlevania games a lot,as they all had this passage down to the severs in the first level and then up again. Awesome ! Searched the walls but so far no secrets.
Some feedback you might like to consider
- Would love if you implement some Scanlines and bloom effects . Would make the retro feel complete.
- I feel the music should be more catchy and powerful. Not sure you understand what I mean. I always loved the tunes in those old Konami games. Each games first stage had the Heroes main tune that followed into the next game. Bloody Tears, Simons Theme , Vampire Killer. All those tunes were really powerful and melodic. I am missing this here.
Besides that, its a great wip you got here. Keep up the good work !