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Excellent post! Very thought provoking.

I play capital kill games on large (125x125) maps with 3 AI enemies and usually there is no interaction between players until I locate and destroy one of them. My capital has never been located so I never even bother defending it these days. Because of speed I found little use for air transports. This has given me ideas for customising units to encourage a faster more exploratory game. 

The interesting thing of course is that I can modify my gameplay to match the new units, but can the AI also adapt? I suspect not.

No, the AI can not adapt and use NEW units. AI play would have to be modified, which is beyond my skills.

However, the AI will use existing Enhanced Units that have been modified. Not tested on other unit sets.

Examples. I've modified the strength and range of all artillery and the AI uses it well. Increase the speed and/or carry capacity of any unit and the AI will use it.

Most of my games are with humans, or a combination human and AI.