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Its going to be a while. The dev is creating a another VN with Alorth called Radiant. Which by the way takes forever to update, still waiting for chapter 2 and what makes it worse is that the chapter 1 ended in cliffhanger. Not blaming him in no way about long updates, it takes time to polish a game and keep the same quality as Radiants first chapter which you should check out. But maybe he should finish one before starting another. Just saying.


i do agree with you. i think games should finish before starting another one. especially bcs im impatient af lol   

I also can agree with that being sensible, for everyone, in fact. That said, I also fully understand being the type who has a lot of different concepts and ideas, is super creative, and thus can't quite help themselves when it comes to certain ideas that you get stupid excited for and find passion in, which inevitably leads you to start pulling yourself in half in order to write/create BOTH at once. So, I am therefore, the textbook definition of a Contradiction. Lol