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Unfortunately I can't see that anything happens after the first ghost comes out and gets captured.  I like the music though!

thanks for the feedback! 

Just to clarify, was there a bug/UI issue or was the problem that it isn't clear what your supposed to do?

There's not really an end goal but for each ghost captured you should get credits that you can spend on taller buildings, things to attract more ghosts, etc.

At the beginning ghosts should be spawning every 15 seconds, and you should start with enough credits to build a small building.

For one, there was a fuzzy filter over everything at all times.  I'm not sure if that's a stylistic choice or bug.
Second, only 1 ghost ever spawned.  I waited a minute or two but nothing else ever did...

thanks, looks like the ghost spawning bug  has something to do with export settings, I've fixed it (I think) and re uploaded. Maybe I'm disqualified now. I guess this what happens when you don't test every build before submitting lol.