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Nice idea, but not quite balanced as it stands, once I had got the idea of not doing anything during the first wave, then I beat the second wave by keeping the fire-rate high and a few upgrades and after that I hardly ever saw an enemy again, I got too far ahead of them...

I also wasn't sure that the purpose of the "Carpe Diem" button was, I mean it obvious gave me more happy pictures but was it changing the game?  I wasn't sure...  I thought when I got all four pictures that might be a win, but it seemed not.

Nice idea though!


The "carpe diem" button would give different boosts based on randomness, but the game not being balanced doesn't make you understand if you are actually using them ..

We didn't have time to insert various things, including explanations of the carpe diems, enemies sounds, additional animations, title screen and final screen.
That said  thank you for the review, we hope to improve soon. ^^