Some random roles I came up with:
Detective: The detective may search anyone's role in-game and in meetings. They can do this with a 5 minute cooldown.
Medic: The medic would be able to heal dead bodies, but when they do, the task bar meter would drop 5%.
Twins: The twins would be life-linked. Meaning if one twin dies, the other would too.
VIP Crewmate: The VIP Crewmate would have 2X the walkspeed, and be able to have a red carpet trail that goes away behind them.
Trickster: The Trickster would be able to, well, just sabotage. And maybe be able to clone themselves.
Duplicate: Would be an imposter role, but would be a duplicate of someone.
Dabber: The Dabber would dab randomly, and when he dabs, they can't move, do tasks, etc.
Nicest: The Nicest wouldn't be able to report bodies, but only lay a little flower on their dead, rotting corpse.