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Had a lot of fun with this. It's awesome that you have so many features packed into this and it looks and plays great. I do have a few small nitpicks: 

  • Spamming reload and shooting at the same time allows you to rapid fire the guns endlessly without having to wait for reload. 
  • Clicking to craft items conflicts with the click to attack behind the crafting menu.
  • You can press 'I' to go in and out of your inventory, but 'Tab' only goes into your inventory and pressing it again won't bring you back out like pressing 'I' does. Also, pressing Escape opens the in-game menu, but pressing Escape again doesn't bring you back to the game, you have to click the Continue button. Also, if you have the inventory, pressing Escape should let you close the inventory first and then pressing Escape again will open the in-game menu. 

All in all, great work and definitely one of the more polished entries in this game jam! Best of luck!