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I love the game concept and the game idea, but the gameplay is kind of messed up a bit. Here are the problems I discovered:

  • The movement of the player is kind of slow. I would like to try and speed run through the map and see how fast and how long I can last.
  • The shooting is slow and buggy as well. When I turn my character to the left and shoot, the bullet ends up facing towards the right direction always and it kind of sticks to me. If I was to give advice and seeing your using unity as well, I would suggest making the bullets an OnTrigger and not an OnCollider so they atleast won't stick to me. I also realized the bullets move along with me as I move. If I was to assume, the Instantiated bullet is a child of the actual character, which I highly would not advise to do as it causes errors. They also don't disappear. D:
  • The layers aren't actually falling as it said it was supposed to if I stood too long on the platform. I noticed the player also isn't exactly on the platform either, so maybe that could be the problem?

I hope this feedback can help improve the game! I would love to play the game at its best. Also, I would of loved to hear music in the game as well!