Absolutely! For what I´ve seen so far its one fantastic love letter to one of my fav. games of all time (Metroid III). Maybe i overread it somewhere, but do you know when you guys will finish the full game?
Oh wow - honestly! You are creating this on your own? Ok... now this is UEBER impressive now! Fantastic job!
And you are absolutely right: its done when its done! Take your time and I can already see that it will be 1 fantastic game!
I am working on #SpaceCowboy since many years on my own as well - and I just love working on the game without any stress because of a release date :)
Thanks, I'm trying my best here so I appreciate it. ^^
If it's something you love working on, then keep working, don't let anyone stop you. :)
I'll tell you one thing though, I'm definitely not working on this without stress, in fact, I'm almost always stressed out.. the game is not the reason though and I won't go more into it than this.