Last ScoreSpace jam I used a static scoreboard, and after playing the games with online scoreboards, I decided that it was a must-have feature. The game was created to be short so you could run it multiple times, and restarts wouldn't be punishing. Most people seem to struggle figuring it out in the beginning but get the hang of it. Didn't notice the gap in map, will fix that!
It's the third game I have created, so I didn't really have the know-how of creating the mechanic I wanted, but I still wanted it you know. I cheesed a method that is probably very bad by using the AddForceAtAngle at +45 degree angle of the player, which is determined by the hitboxes the player last entered. In the gif below you can see where the different hitboxes are based on the cursor location.
I.e. If you're "Down", you're launching "DownRight", if you're "UpLeft", you're launching "Left". Seems to be one of the features people disliked the most!
Thank you for playing my game and leaving a comment, I will get better eventually :)!