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I loved this game the first time I played. Great interaction skills, truly love the phone. This is probably my first or second game I played when I got on this site. Though I do have a few suggestions... I would love it if there was more things to interact with and do. I also think that there should be more things involved in this. Like maybe the guy that you are playing as gets out of the car and can move around. I also would have liked to read that newspaper that was on the back seat. But other than that you guys should really make more of these kind of games.


Hey! Thanks so much. I'm so glad there are still new people finding and enjoying our game. I like your suggestions, and I'd love to one day make a larger Interlude-style game that focuses on all sorts of little mundane activities while still having an involved narrative that plays out in real time. Unfortunately we're both working on different projects for the time being - but who knows! Maybe one day we'll get the band back together to make a follow-up anti-thriller! I know I'd love to one day :~)

Well I'm glad to hear that too. Oh I also liked that Backroom game I think thats what its called too. You guys really do a good job!