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Dang that sucks. Still love the game but I can't play as a top, way too uncomfortable and off putting. Hopefully an update might add more choice and i'll get back to playing but as of now I don't wanna see Harold bottom. Thank you for the response.



My problem is that it turns me off completely to see them bottom. It make me not wanna play but at the same time the characters are all hot and you fall for their personality. I love the game and want to play more but I can't bring myself to see the characters bottom.


So… somebody’s gonna have to, right? You can’t have two people both topping at once. So it’s either the MC or the boyfriend. (Not actually sure which one you’re objecting to here.)

Ok, I'm confused at the point you're trying to make Big_oofer. It's either Eric (The MC) or the boyfriend (Harold, Spencer, Chester, Dozer, and Darius) to be a bottom cuz like Reggie said u literally CANT have 2 tops.(seriously tho thats impossible scientifically and mentally)

Eric is bottom. Harold is top. Sorry if it was confusing

Well, not sure about that.