Hi, hi! 😺 I'm really enjoying this story! I recently played through the Leandros route up until its end and it's great! So, I started the Koshiro route to pass time and I'm really enjoying this one as well!
I did, though, run into something that I have a question about. Of course, I don't want to give out spoilers, just in case, but I got to a point in his story where two options were given to me, but one option (the option of like to choose) is crossed out and can't be selected.
I was wondering if this is because of previous choices that I've made, or is it because it hasn't been updated yet? Hopefully, my being vague about this isn't too vague. I really don't wanna give out spoilers. But, if it's because there isn't an update for that selection yet, I will absolutely wait before continuing the Koshiro route!
Thank you for all that you do! I think it's safe for me to say on behalf of all of us fans that we appreciate what you're doing despite how busy your personal life has become!