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(1 edit)

Well, I did code hotkeys in, so they should be usable in the next build. They could be customized on PC if you were to launch the game through the launcher since it's using input manager.

What I meant by the visual hotkeys is, I'd love to have a little button name show up under each icon represnting each hotkey. Like let's say, skill slots in MMOs, where you see the number under each skill, except i'd like it to be more dynamic.

So for example if you put G to be your inventory button, it'd show up G on the UI, right now the only way to do that is through some store asset or code it yourself, by making like, a big bindings menu, cause then it should be logically storing the saved player keybind preferences in memory or a preference file, but that's a ton of work and I still have a lot of other things to fix/complete (and with my limited time right now its not that much of an option). So maybe something like that for the future.

Still, I do appreciate the thoughts.

As for the XP, right now it doesn't scale with the enemies defeated but rather is encounter based. Probably should buff the XP gain in that case. The next update also includes companion's level HP/SP/MP scaling so that'll be more useful by then.

Thanks again!