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(1 edit) (+1)

Good morning Joseph!

Firstly, HUUUUGE thanks for your detailed feedback! If everyone would give feedback like this it would be easy to fix bugs!

Lack of sound (effects) is also a known problem which we should fix soon. Your idea about bridge length sound effect was really good and a thing which we should implement to our game!

Inputs and cleanups between/during scenes also need polishing. As well as speed of parallax planes. And maybe players doesn`t want to see fox walking and dropping from a platform. :)

This game is our school project and first mobile game we`re developing so we will highly appreciate feedback like yours, there`s still many things we don`t know yet but we`re learning all the time. We will analyze the feedback and make adjustments to our game, I hope that we will see you playtesting our next versions as well.

Have a nice weekend and pleasant Halloween! 


Glad to have been of assistance. I'll keep an eye out for your next testing build!

Great work so far for a school project. :) Happy halloween!