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This game is a cool take on the theme. I liked the overall design, especially of how you put the games in an arcade. The game would've been better with audio, but it's good. The pixel art design looks nice, but some environment design like a parking lot or some bushes would look great as well. I would love to see an online leader board for points in the games as well, just like in old arcade games. The games are all games I've played before, so I had to mark you down a little on creativity, but I like them and they're fun. Well done.

(1 edit)

Thank You for your detailed comment, I'm glad you liked it :)
I agree that the enviro could be richer, and the games more original. On the other hand I wanted a nostalgia feel like from the 50 in 1 GameBoy / Nintendo cartriges :)
There was some ambient music which I'm afraid got lost while porting to a web format.