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Thanks for the reply, I've tried looking for a way to message the moderators from the Jam page, but I cant find anywhere to post on the page, or how to contact any of the moderators directly, if you have any idea how I could do that it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


...Again, post in the jam's own community, that's what it's for. Failing that, at least link to the jam, in case anyone here knows?

I'm new to and therefore I dont know where the "jam's own community" is.  If you're referring to which is the page with all the submissions and rules, etc then I've already looked and couldn't find any way to contact anyone. I guess at this point its far to late to have my work be part of the jam but at this point it would be nice to know where to look. Thanks 


That's odd, the jam doesn't seem to have a community forum. First time I see one like that. Can you ask in their Discord server?