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Hello! Daria is speaking, I'm the one who is responsible for writing. First of all, let me thank you for the time you put into your review as well as for your intention to stay polite and constructive. I'm sorry for my colleague being harsh on you, I guess she was trying to defend me and didn't mean bad. 

I'll gladly consider your comments and honestly doing my  best to fix mistakes that I keep on doing even though I'm actually an English teacher. And thank you again for your time and opinion and being specific with details.

Hope you are having a good day so far!



Hi Daria! 

It's no problem at all! I know that constructive feedback, no matter how well-meaning and kindly-worded, can hurt and that it's anyone's instinct to defend the people they care about. I take no offense.

Like I said in my response to the first response, improvement comes through practice and mistakes! There are a lot of intricacies to English grammar and syntax, and you're already infinitely more competent with a second language than I could ever be. I hope I didn't discourage you; that was the opposite of my intention!

Again, I wish you both the best of luck!! Writing is an eternal journey, even for native speakers, and you're doing great.