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I was randomly scrolling through games when I came across this demo. I am unable to play the this due to the fact that I have a Mac but I can at least say from first glance this looks very promising!

Are you ever planning to make a Mac version for this? 

Hi! We're working on a solution right now, we had a Mac build up but ran into some problems with it, failing that we're gonna try to make this browser playable soon!


Oh cool! I'll keep an eye out then! In the mean time I'll snoop around your kickstarter and try to spread the word. I'm confident that you'll reach your goal in no time! Good luck with everything !! 

Thank you! We have a hopefully functional Mac build up now, let us know any issues!


I went through the demo and everything looked very promising!! I couldn't stop gushing over the background art and music!! I personally just adore just how clean and vibrant the art is. It really adds to the experience. And the music is just *Chef's kiss*. I have fallen victim to weird or grating music in other games but for this it took it to a higher level! Something I would like to touch up on is voice acting. Personally, I tend to resent voice acting since it usually takes away from the experience but I can honestly say that doesn't happen here. Giving the player the option to lower the voice volume was a good choice! Also, the idea of letting the player using the phone was refreshing! If you ever need some feedback from Mac players don't be afraid to ask! 

On another note, since I am well aware that the Mac version has had some issues I poked around the demo and found something a bit confusing. I took a gander at the options for the game and was quite glad that there was an option to fiddle around with the sound when I came across a problem. Clicking on options causes the game to freeze and the player is unable to exit out of settings. At this point I could only exit out of the entire demo and restart it in order to fix this. This isn't such a big deal at this point but I thought it was important to inform y'all about it! I know Mac is very hard to work with due to it limitless security settings and wonky downloading steps but it's worth it for this game! Sorry for writing a lot and if it makes no sense I apologize again. If you need me to elaborate on anything I'll be glad to do so! 

Thank you for your kind words and feedback! We'll hopefully have more resources to look into it down the line!