Hiya! So I'm also playing through Koshiro's route. But I hit a road block.. 😔 eh.. I hate giving out spoilers, but I'm also hoping to get your thoughts on this road block I got to.
Hopefully no one gets spoiled by this.. but there's a part where you "run away" with him. Hopefully that's vague enough for those who haven't read it, but descriptive enough that you know which scene I'm talking about. Heh. 😅
Anyway, the option to actually do that is grayed out. The only option I can select is to decline that offer. Do you think it's because of the choices I made? Or maybe that's simply as far as it's been written?
Sorry if this is annoying.. 😅 I did try and post a comment about it a while back, but it didn't get any response.