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All good points overall. And with my next game, I'm actually hoping to attempt to write it myself, so I will definitely try to have more of the script devoted to giving people more time with each lady in the main cast. In fact, I actually had 9 character sprites completely done for my next game, but I think I might remove 2 of them from cast so it'll be easier for me to manage.

I also plan to have less endings - with more dyanamic endings so that you technically don't end up with just one girl. Maid Mansion really only had one of these types of endings. I would try to aim for maybe 3 in my next game.

This is all theorizing right now though. I only have the beginning part of the story outlined out, so I'll try and share more as time goes by.

As for an expansion, if I ever did return to this type of setting, I'd probably want to do a new cast and it would be a full-blown sequel. Not like a Part II thing.

For the Pa Zong STEAM card... can't help you there. XD

Best wishes! I know how hard it is to make a good branched story that will "work".

As for endings, that's another thing that I kind of missed, only 1 type of good ending for each girl mostly, in maid setting game I would expect marriage good ending or maid good ending for example, but that's just problem with my expectations I guess. :)

Obviously I was joking about the expansion (and the steam card), but in all honestly, I would love to learn more about 3 side maids (and have more interaction with them), they seemed interesting, also would love to learn more about Pa Zong (somehow I liked her the most).

Good luck with the next game!