Few small tweaks for improvement of Online play.....
Development Suggestion 1: During gameplay players often disrupt the game by unnecessarily using the emergency button to report that someone has faked a task. If visuals are off, these players do not see the animations of certain tasks when they think they can. To resolve this, could you please look into a feature where this information is displayed during the non-meeting portion of the gameplay?
Development Suggestion 2: The task bar 'always/meeting only/never' option change is great! I love it!! But in saying that, some players still do not understand this option and challenge it as well. Is it also possible to show this detail within gameplay? Maybe change the wording to say 'TOTAL TASKS COMPLETED - MEETING UPDATES' or something?
Development Suggestion 3: Insta-ban people that demand you to start the game! :) Okay this one is a joke suggestion but it in actuality it really is very annoying.