I feel like this is a mostly functional set of rules, with a few holes. I do wish you had more for force composition; you've got almost a whole page for it!
- Where is the synergy? I suppose there's a little with the Infantry, but other than that everything functions on its own and independently.
- You mention "retreat" but there's no rules for it.
- Your "example force" seems to have additional rules, and isn't really an example of a force.
- Vehicles are just clearly better than everything else. With no reason to choose something other than Vehicles, why wouldn't you?
- Spotting is just not explained clearly at all. What are the limitations? How long is a thing "spotted" for?
- No roll to Hit? You just get damage on the thing?
- No restriction on activating a unit more than once.
I think the main issue is that there just isn't a lot of player agency. Roll to move, roll to damage, roll to activate. Everything is "roll to" and there aren't a lot of decisions, particularly when there's no range to any of the weapons. Terrain will help that but because you can't determine where you'll be able to reach before you get there, all it means is that you're locked into what you can target at the start of the game. Without ranges there's no meaningful reason to move. Just use your activations to shoot until something's dead, and move only if you absolutely have to (meaning there's nothing any of your units can shoot at). This is compounded by the fact that cover is the only way to mitigate an enemy's fire, and if you move you will probably be stuck out in the open, since you don't even control how far you go.
I think this is a serviceable game that needs some attention to really sparkle.