- When does the game end?
- What is the objective?
- What are casualties; you only say "If the result is equal or higher then targets CDIS, the target suffers casualties" and "As units suffer casualties, their discipline decreases" and "CDIS = BDIS – casualties." This seems like your intent is clear when you take it all together, but can and should be elucidated and put into the same section.
- There is currently no rule for removing units.
- Bayonet charges are declared during the M&C Step, but there's no rules for how declarations work or when they're resolved. The only activities allowed during the M&C are declaring charges and marching.
- OK there's actually a lot of issues with Bayonet Charges. But the biggest thing is that according to the rules you never actually move your models when charging, and the second thing is that base "Charge Distance" is only ever touched on in an example.
- This is just me, but putting models in column shouldn't make them faster (are they pushing the guys ahead of them, or something?). I understand the intent, because Line formations were slower moving than columns, but giving a bonus for each company in column is off.
- Your combat essentially guarantees hits; even 2 companies in Line will have a better than 50% chance of scoring a 6+, and a third will mean that against a fresh company, you'll have to roll 3x 1's to miss. Guaranteeing hits is fine, but you shouldn't make us roll for it, that's just time consuming. It almost seems like you'd originally intended each die to be read independently and applied to the model one-at-a-time, then changed your mind and didn't change all the rules.
- Is the commander a unit? How does he "attach?"
- Apart from the above, there's a lot of stuff in your rules that just zap player agency. Why would a lone company exist?
- You've got a battalion-level game, which is great, and I'm assuming that your intent is to create a situation where you're in the middle of a larger fight; this sort of thing would be perfect for an objective system.
- I don't see much synergy, just advantages for being part of a formation. I don't feel that fits the "theme" of synergy.
You've got some issues, but I like the gumption and the ideas that exist here, particularly the fact that its a Napoleonics game that eschews the big battles for the little, personal ones. Make it more personal, then, and clean it up a bit.