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I thought the characterization here worked well and the game felt quite responsive to my choices, with other characters reacting to whether my Dorian is more enthusiastic or more jaded. Even if you choose to play one way, there's a nice tension involved in having the other choice "pulling at you" (towards socially appropriate acts, or towards jaded cynicism) representing the conflict nicely. It did make me want to hear a little more of that conflict surfacing in the POV character's thoughts, however -- so that it's not just "me" experiencing the conflict, if that makes sense?

The only place I felt "low on choices" was probably while watching the play -- maybe this is meant to show how absorbed Dorian is with watching Sibyl's performance, but if that's the case the "no choice"-ness might need to be signaled more obviously.

Pace seems good so far, although that's largely because these feel like scenes establishing what's going on with Dorian -- by the time I got to the (current) end I was expecting the game to skip forward a bit to the next major moment of some kind.