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I am a fan so far.

So many of these games dive into porn straight away, but this gets off to a nice paced start, with a character that actually resembles a human. Too often games will try to emphasize characteristics too much and end up making them look un-natural. This game so far has avoided that and has a pleasant, attractive looking model.

This is still a work in progress and my only suggestion is, perhaps trying to break up some of the long runs of dialog, even simple things like more than one sentence per line, reading for a few seconds then clicking and reading, clicking etc, feels taxing, where if more text was in each dialog window it would make reading and progressing easier.

Secondly although you are still in the early progress of adding sound, even though it is mono audio, make it play through both channels, sound on one side only is a bit jarring, the same effects on both sides would be fine and would feel a bit more balanced.

Besides that, it has been great so far and I can't wait to see more from you in the future.

This is great, thanks for the feedback!