Well this is pretty cool. I love the multiple ways to score. I love that this is a fairly complete design. It's great. I like the Overdrive, I think it creates a lot of neat wrinkles and uncertainty. The pit crew is NOT my cup of tea but that's because I'm stupidly clumsy and not because it doesn't seem super fun, haha. My comments are going to be geared mostly towards the flesh and polish instead of the bones, because I think the bones are pretty good.
- My biggest thing is that there's no synergies at all. It just isn't there. As far as a design goes, that's fine, but in terms of the contest theme: not great.
- It seems to favor runners with high speed (first to get the ball and then first to cross finish line). If you luck into a speedster you're going to be favored to win, and if you can choose I think Alloy Frame should almost always be what you take. This is mostly because the majority of weapons require base contact; if you can't make contact (meaning you're slower), you can't use your weapons. AND your weapons can't be used unless you stop moving. So, T1, a dude runs 8", and the dude behind runs 6". Next turn, dude behind has to decide whether to move his full 6" or stop to take a shot at the quick dude. If he misses he's behind 3" and won't be able to take another shot at the fast dude (since he'll run 8"), and if he hits it's probably not going to appreciably affect the game. I know there's a little more texture in the game than what I'm expressing (terrain and overdrive effects, notably), but I still feel this is an issue, and a significant one.
I think at minimum the +2 Speed alloy needs looked at, but I think it would just feel better and more fast-paced if you could make attacks at any point in your movement. It would also allow heavy hitters to keep pace and provide more smash.
- Your section on collisions needs work. And could probably be removed. For one, how does one collide with something? I can measure anywhere, right? So why would that ever happen? Also you've used the word when you're defining it, so I don't know what a collision with terrain looks like. If we're being very specific and critical I could argue that droids collide with severe terrain and have to stop, then can move at half speed on their next turn. Since you've currently got weapons only having an effect at the end of the turn, the only reason to collide with something is if you're going to attack it, and that means you're ending your movement anyway.
- Oh, I'm not sure why you have a requirement for a full set of polyhedral dice when you only need d6s and a d12. That's a small thing. But I'd suggest removing the d12 entirely. If we used a d6 a 3-5 to hit with a 6 to crit would change the percentage to hit from 42% to 50%, and wouldn't change your chances to crit at all. In a game without much rolling, that 8% is not significant. Certainly not significant enough to warrant needing a full set of polyhedral dice.