I converted the pdf to a bunch of pngs and wrote on top with my graphics tablet. In retrospect I should have made it higher res, but I didn't expect your text to get this small. Having said that I spent way too much time playing the game and probably doing it wrong. I just tended to write over the instructions instead of following them and named the tome "Tom". Clearly I am not fit to be a mage.
I like experimental games, even tough you stretch the definition of game. I still think that this as a mechanic could be pretty cool. I could think of a number of detective/mystery games that could benefit from using color-depth and restoration of barely readable material/clues.
When the tome instructed me to erase all my notes I actually saw a bit of potential for a daisy chain. It's a bit out of my coding abilities, but I would find it cool if you would get the last peoples notes (stuff that they didn't manage to erase) as a base for your own adventure. Community driven lore so to say.