Thanks for the feedback!
- Not exactly sure what you mean by your first comment. A 'mood board' isn't an official piece of the design, just meant to convey a specific feeling to the reader before they start.
- Yes, it's not been thoroughly proofed in 48 hours.
- Good catch; it's meant to be the player that doesn't place the markers (and to address another point), to incentivize fair placement from the one doing the placement.
- I'll look into calling it a whist deck, or at least clarifying the suits and card numbers.
- Nothing "happens" when a model receives a wound. After they've received 5 they're removed from the game. This is already in the rules.
- The only time you're told to place Conquest Tokens on markers is during a March Action, so nothing. And I suppose I should create a provision for getting pushed into contact with the board edge.
- I don't have a shoot action? I suppose you mean the Bow ability. You give the opponent a Wound. That's all.
- The disputed territory thing is a fair point. Thanks.
- Oof, yes, this needs cleaning up. Each model can only be involved in one melee, but if you're engaged in a melee you must melee. So you need to determine how many melees there actually are. This is definitely the hardest bit for me to explain in an OPR doc. You apply one card to a melee, and since you can't be part of a second melee, it shouldn't ever be the case that you are part of a second attack. If you've ever played Frostgrave, it's a similar approach to combat, I just muddled the execution.
- Activations are unrestricted; you just need to play a card for the model you wish to activate. I did catch something I'd missed, though: Sprint should be a double move.
- In proofing I'll go through the rules for consistent language. Thanks for that, though, I'll need to keep my eye on it.
- "Anytime I win in melee I put Conquest token in enemy model and remove Conquest token from mine (thus geting 2 wining point at once)". Almost. It says: "The winner gives the chosen losing model a Conquest Token. If the winning model had any Conquest Tokens, they are removed." The only way to get a Conquest Token on a model is by losing a combat. So a model can lose a combat, getting a Conquest Token, and then win a combat later to remove it. You've highlighted that this needs to be given a sprucing-up, though.
- "In case there is more than One Territory in my Zone of control and push away enemy model by wining melee, ALL dispute markers are removed in consolidation and my conquest placed instead, right?" You have to move over a marker to place a Conquest Token. If that marker is in the ZoC of an enemy, it is disputed, but if you can push that enemy away you'll put the Conquest Token down.
- "I believe mandatory base size has to be defined" oops. Yeah that's an oversight on my part.
"There are way to much skills and abilities to my liking" That's fine. But you'll only use (at most) 4 general abilities and up to 3 theme abilities. The rest are just options for crew building.
"however I dont see any synergies in it." I mean, you discussed some of them, but ok.