Just downloaded the game today; the Release 0.8.1 file. The game loads fine, I create a profile, and then whenever I try to start a season whether Arcade or Prestige, I select my team and the game freezes after that... Have uninstalled and reinstalled on a couple of occasions now. Any help??
Have you downloaded the mod pack (for real teams) or are you playing with the ones included in the original version? ("dummy" teams)
And could you please check if you have any new entries in ctfm.log?
Else please try to play the game as admin, since it could very well be because the game aren't allowed to write in the needed folder
I did download the mod pack for "real teams", so perhaps something is hanging up there?
I'm not quite sure what constitutes a "new entry" on the ctfm.log file; I'm sorry I'm not that tech-savvy but I've found the file, I can open it and see all of the programming language , but not sure what I'm looking for... I can provide the file for review if need be?
How does one play the game as an "admin"? Willing to try anything as it looks like such a fun/cool game concept I want to "dive in" and try it out! Thanks!