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I came back after beating the game a second time just to share my thoughts and gush I guess? It might be pretty long & cringy so just be warned lol

It was really cool to experience this, truly. After I finished the game the first time, I immediately bought the dlc. It was nice to feel loved by my parents, have friends, excursions and feel so loved and cherised. It was something I never had growing up and that basically didn't change into adulthood. The crazy car ride with Kyra was something I absolutely adored. I found myself smiling and laughing from all of the dlc but that one memory stands out to me. She tried so hard to be the cool mom while still being a disciplinary figure. Same with MCs mom. It was nice to not be belittled but instead to have things explained to you. Not only that but to also try to understand it from your point of view. They were kids once. With the runaway dlc moment, when Mom finds you and she's clearly very mad and worried she still tries to get you to understand why she feels that way without yelling. Im sure theres plenty of people who think "well no duh, of course" but I have never experienced that. My personal mom was always yell first and only yell. Cliff was such a good example of someone trying whats best for their kid and it not always working out. His and Kyra's relationship was so nice. They didn't hate each other they just couldn't be together and did what was best for their family. I liked seeing them get along as the game progressed, I liked that their split wasn't entirely horrible and that they really did try to fix it. They weren't always perfect but that's what makes them relatable. 

And Cove. My sweet Cove. I didn't think I would come out of the experience loving him as much as I do. I loved that he wasn't afraid to show his emotions, I loved how close we got over the course of the game.  Seeing the self centered boy grow up into a shy pre-teen and then an outgoing teenager was so...different and I loved it. Noticing everything he remembered about me over the years was wonderful. It was so nice to be so cared for and loved. Not just from Cove but everyone else as well. Gosh Lee, I love Lee. She's such a sweet girl and I wish we got more time with her as well as Miranda and Terri. I actually really enjoyed Liz's teenage phase too. Looking at it from an older persepctive, of course she's like that, she's just being a kid. It was hard to ever really be upset with her. Especially since you could tell she did still love you even if she didn't say it. The diversity in the cast was fantastic. I got to see myself in a character! And it wasn't played for jokes or laughs! She wasn't a token character! That means so much to me. 

As much I absolutely love Cove and can't wait for his dlc, Im also very fond of Baxter and Derek and can't wait for their dlc either. This is the first game in a very very long time to make me feel so emotional and connected. I cried both times I beat it. I cried when Cove told me he loved me, I'm crying now as I reminse. It resonated so much to me because for once im my life I mattered to people. My thoughts, opinions and feelings mattered. And they loved me unconditionally. I'm sorry about this post being so long, I haven't had anyone to talk to about this game or express my feelings about it.  


you said it all! i couldn't articulate my feelings well when i left my review, but reading yours really helped my sort out my feelings? i cried a few times through my play-throughs too— just feeling loved and considered by the people around me. I don't know if i'll ever have that in the future, and it was just very... reassuring to hear it, even if it was from a buncha pixels! :) 

Yes it was so reassuring to hear! Especially when it came to college and Cove and Moms told you it was okay that you were unsure about it. That's so validating because I definitly didn't know what I wanted to do for college and if we're being honest I still don't. To have them be so frekaing supportive throughout your whole journey is...wonderful. I'm glad I could help you sort out your feelings even if mine were sort of jumbled. I didn't think anyone would actually read the review so thank you for taking time out of your day to do so!


HIIIII! If you need a partner to talk about this game with, I volunteer myself !!! I read your review and I like your vibes oh and I kinda see myself in you (weird right?) But anyway, I'm  really looking forward to talk with you 👉🏻👈🏻

Well hello! I was actually very afraid people were going to make fun of me when I posted that review but I had to get my feelings out somehow. Thank you for taking the time to read it! Is there anywhere we can talk? I don't wan to crowd up their comments section. 

Make fun of you? No way! You seem so nice! We should really make a discord server for this game

They have a discord for their patreon members and I'm thinking about subscribing to it when I get the chance. 

Ah so patreon only discord huh? I really wish there is a free one too for all of us. I still can't figure out why steam declined all of my cards. I really want to buy the dlcs and join the discord by patreon:((

ayy noooo. From what I see around here they all very nice people. So don't worry about them making fun of you. I feel really great after reading your review. And btw if you got discord, I can add you there if you wanna 👉🏻👈🏻


Wow, this was exactly how i felt minus the Baxter part, he rubbed me and Cove the wrong way ^_^' i'm 31 years old and I have never had anything like that in my life, such an intense experince, so many wondeful, caring cast of characters. I wanted parents like ma and mom. my real parents were the exact opposit as they did not care when me or my brothers got home or anything like that, we did not have rules or chores, looking back I really wanted that. 

I liked Lee she reminded me of my relationship with a cousin but we had a falling out  this year and we don't talk anymore, and i kinda miss her.

Cove, sweet sweet Cove, what i experinced with him romanticly, that is what i wanted in real life when I was in my teens, but I was a shy kid and a shy teen and i'm still a little shy. Back then it hold me back from alot of things, I had a small group of frinds quality over quantity right?. And they tried their best to get me out of my shy-ish shell, they really did but it did not help. 

Anyway back on track, (SPOILER) when Cove came to "my" room at night after the orca event and showed the firefly, i could not contain myself (I would have done it the same way in real life) i flew right at him and kissed him.

At the restaurant when he told everyone that he was getting his own place and such it actually hurt my feelings and somehow i felt betraied, I'm used to being hurt by people in real life, but this was way different, like being hurt by my real life boyfriend. I began to tear up for real. When "i" ran to the car and cry my heart out i did so for real, after a text to Cove to come and talk, when he said that "i" could live with him i felt a warmth inside I have not felt in a long time. I was so happy i tried to "jump" him even though i kept sying it was moms car and he had hight issues, that made me giggle.

And I also realised a thing about myself while playing this wonderful game, when Cove told "me" that he had trouble getting words out but not in his head becuase of the what-ifs and all that, at that moment it just clicked in my head and i knew that is how i am when i'm talking to my boyfriend.

Sry but I just nedded to share my wonderful experince with you all who are reading this, i finished this today and I have cried the most of the day bacuse of all the feelings i have never been used to, when my boyfriend came home he asked if something was wrong and I just shook my head and cried. I am a very emotional guy and a hopeless romantic, so he knows that I am prone to tears so he just kissed my cheek and hugged me. 

Anyways with all that said. I cant wait to see where my adventure with Cove (and the others of course but mostly Cove) leads in step 4

(1 edit) (+1)

You are so right! This whole experience gave me such bittersweet feelings and had me love all the characters, not just Cove who basically is the main focus in the game. I have a loving family so I sadly can't relate to the part where the game made people feel loved for once but I so agree on the parts that you explain about Kyra and Cliff. You could really tell they wanted to really try for Cove and their own sakes. (Spolier alert for those who haven't played the newest release yet--) My favorite and absolute FAVORITE part is when Cove at the very end explains how MC made such a big impact on him by just listening and basically being there for him as a amazing friend. It honestly made me feel proud about myself, which is something some of us may not feel often and it was such a amazing feeling to experience for the first time from a game~! :D (sorry about my long rant. Your comment just made me spill my heart out as well ^^"

I'm glad my long rant could illicit such feelings! It's good to talk about them! It's amazing how normal things like listening and being there for someone can make such an impact on their lives! It was so nice knowing the MC helped him out during a really hard time in his life and how wholeheartedly he appreciated it!

I know! It's amazing! :D I can barely wait until part 4 and the final release of the whole game with come out along with the DLC's for part 3 & 4.