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I just finished the version here and I have to say that it is a very engaging story there were no bugs that I encountered sometimes I found myself searching for the girls and could not find them at all which made it tricky to boost their affection but I understand that it might have been best not to focus too much on a single girl for a whole day and instead boost multiple girls as much as possible when I did not need to get funds for something and a day of fishing got the funds I needed usually so it did not even feel like much of a grind to be able to afford anything. I cannot wait for what ever comes next in the story and if anyone stops by and sees this comment I hope that it will push you to give the game a try because it is definitly worth the time.

Hello. I think you played v0.1.1, right? In v0.1.2 you can see the girls on the map!

oh ok, that's cool. I felt that hunting for the girls and learning their daily routes was kinda part of the games charm but you're the boss