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Really hard, as advertised! :D

The music and art was great and the grapple mechanic was pretty fun. 

I feel like most of the difficulty for me comes from the fact Froggo can't stop in midair, which makes precise jumps hard (I dunno if that's intentional or not). It also  seems strange that you keep jumping if you hold down space which lead to me accidently jumping a lot, where most platformers you need to press space to jump.

Other than those very minor nitpicks it was alot of fun. Great to see more pygame games on itch.

I look forward to see your progress on Project Froggy!

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh thanks for pointing out the jumping issue (the holding down jump button one), I've never thought about that lol.

But I'll probably just keep it the way it is since the game is released. But I will try not to make this mistake in my future games.