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Hi Huitzilopochtli!

Thank you for your very in-depth and insightful comments! I always appreciate when someone takes the time to share their experience and thoughts on the game.

While I don’t want to say too much (because I don’t want to dilute your thoughts!), I’ll just clarify Challenge mode unlocks when you complete new game +, not new game. I hope you get a chance to experience all of new game +!

I’m very impressed you attempted the descent on new game, it’s definitely designed to be attempted after the player finishes the new game + story, though we decided to let new game players attempt it as well because we knew not everyone had completed new game + by the time we released the expansion. In hindsight maybe I would have locked it away until then, but either way I hope you ultimately enjoy your experience.


I completed ng+ and the descent now, and I really enjoyed it! sorry if I seemed overly negative, I probably wouldn't have written so much on the negative points if I had completed ng+ first, the range and power that aether gives you let you fight much more safely and makes the descent extremely doable, and the ascended virtue probably makes it doable with some of the other mantras.

Making ng+ and the descent put more pressure with corruption and tying its progress to how well you completed fights was a really cool idea, a great way to incentivize exploring combat more and playing quickly, like a speedrun mode but that gives more direct feedback to how well you're doing and a short term goal of lowering corruption.

thank you for making such an interesting game!