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hey alekai!

Really enjoyed reading through this, and the omniscient perspective is great. I think you chose a great narrative tool for this as well — inkle is very well-suited to this style and perspective. For revision, I'd advise that you make either the world or the characters more textured and detailed. As it stands, it feels like everything is nebulous, but it's hard to get invested without some solid grounding in person or place. Additionally, this may not have been a problem for others, but I think the text needs to be broken into somewhat smaller passages. Inkle is great for longer passages, but sometimes the new text added after a choice doesn't all fit on the screen at once. There are a few ways to mitigate this, but ultimately you should either cut some prose per passage or add a couple more small choices to break up passages further. The fairy tale tone is working really well for you, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
