Please add:
- A way to pause
- A way to save
- A way to exit
This is the first of your games I've purchased. Show that you are developers who care and I will happily purchase more. Don't be like most developers who just want to make money.
Thank you.
You'd be surprised how many developers would rather not worry about "making money" and wish they could just create without having to worry about financial logistics. I've played a bunch of Sokpop's games, and I'd guess they fall into this category.
Sokpop generally does very shortform games that can be rough around the edges. Sometimes it's hit-or-miss... but because of how prolific they are, they can do a lot of exploration into unique gameplay and art styles. Sometimes, like with The Hour of The Rat, they hit gold. I personally love games like that, and I don't necessarily expect them to always have features like pausing and saving, which could have taken more time to implement. However if you do want to try a more polished Sokpop game I'd recommend Popo's Tower or Helionaut.
As for exiting, it's usually not difficult to add, but it's easy for developers to forget some people don't just hit Alt+F4 when they want to close an app.