Playtester Name: Chang
Developer Name(s): Cecil
Playtest Date : Nov 26, 2020
What were your favorite moments of the game?-
- Love the idea of mechanics, jumping, and shooting. There seems to be a lot of content that can be created using this mechanic. The overall industrial, and factoryish atmosphere visuals are harmoniously designed.
Where do you see room for improvement?
- Personally, I think you could try to make the attack direction rotate faster. I felt a little slow, it was a little hard to find the right timing. Once I got the wrong timing, I fell down again. If the rotation speeds up, I have to press it at a good timing, but I think I will have a chance to attack at any timing.
When did you stop playing and why?
- I haven’t stopped.
What was confusing or intuitive about the interface or controls?
- The control keys are explained very kindly during the game.
What was confusing or intuitive about the game mechanics?
- I was confusing if I was being damaged or not. I think it would be good to make it flicker when it gets damaged, like the old classic game. Other than this, it seems fantastic. Everything is well visually explained and reasonable.
What was frustrating or imaginative about the visual art, or sound design?
- The beat of the background song is so good, and I don’t know if you intended it but the character moves(animation) to the beat is very funny. It would be nice if a pixel-type typeface was used. Some seem to use this type of typeface, but I saw the regular san-serif for warning text in the game.
Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?
- I love how the second level is designed which I can’t pass without shooting. I think this is a very nice tutorial.
* You made a typo on itch page. You wrote the W key instead of D.