Any one want to start a among us rp?
Im down ->-
k my oc
My oc
Name: Lilith
(btw she is not an imposter this round)
Dawn: Will any one come with me to med to see me do my med scan
phrogg killed you
This is the
C r a z y F r o g
Lilith: I'll come! (Also not imposter btw)
Dawn: Ok ^^ *walks to med and starts scan*
{ ID: BLAP0 HT: 3'6 WT: 92lb C: Black BT: O- }
Lilith: -mind- Okay.. So Dawn's good.- Got to wait the scan cooldown and then I'll scan.
Dawn: ok I'ma going to do wires in elect
(Also afk for a few mins)
Dawn: *walks to elect and finishes task and walks out to see pinks dead body*
( Emergency meting )
(back) Lilith: -hear emergency meeting- Damnit, just got started with my scan too!
i like it
I will tomorrow:D
Dis b izzy
Dis is dawn
want to go first
uhh sure
Izzy: (not the imposter) *staring at the cams in sec*
Dawn: *Starts wires in storage*
(not an imposter)