Patched version 1.1 released!
- Fixed bug where an extra clef sign could appear if player continued the game after playing the final symphony
- Fixed bug with items not switching back to minimised view after close-up
- Fixed bug where final symphony plays together with the music loop of the room
- Fixed bug where the music loop of the room didn't restart after revieweing a memory picture
- Fixed issue with the pointer magnetised to the right / bottom edges of the scene when close
- Enlarged and slightly repositioned the Exit game button for improved reliability
- Music now fades out when exiting game (instead of cutting abruptly)
- Added a "Close window" button to exit the memory choice (butterfly) mode
- Added a "Replay game" button to restart the game without exiting it
- Added frames around memories
- Added animations to buttons when collided with pointer or pressed
- Optimised technical performance during the butterfly catching sequence (reduced the size of butterfly timer sprite)