I've tested all versions independently for the latest changes. I used to get an error like this while I was testing the new features, but I believe it is fixed. Could you please try downloading the latest main game files and doing a fresh install?
1) Download S4P-RalphsModdedAricsMod097.zip 2) extract "S4PGameFolderRMAM097" folder to a new location on your hard drive 3) backup your current "AricsExpansion" folder 4) extract "AricsExpansion" folder to .../Roaming/Strive/mods 5) run Strive.exe from the S4PGameFolderRMAM097 folder specifically 6) test and see if the bug still happens, and let me know
The _ALT files are there so you can replace the modded base game files with the full tweaked version (by deleting globals.gd for example and then renaming globals_ALT.gd to globals.gd) if you only wanted some of the tweaks.