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For al of you who are experiencing lag during play through in version 1.2. The new rendering high res textures are putting a heavy draw on your video. To compensate without losing quality. Increase your refresh rate on your video card. Also use multisampling on your anti-aliasing. Also it would be a good idea to set your video to be dedicated to your game. Having it split between your computer, and the game reduces the graphics rendering. Higher end cards this is not so much of a problem, but on your lower end cards it really strains them. Also under windows options you can dedicate some of your ram to video as well to assist your GPU. Keep in mind before you complain that your computer may not be on par with Komisari's. As a game designer they try to bring their vision to life, and can't please everyone. Not only on performance issues, but also on game play. If you still have issues you can always lower the quality of the graphics. I will not go into detail about my rig, but I had no problems with the play through, and thought it was great. Sometimes when the screen goes black. Give your rig a mulligan, and let it catch up to the graphics. It don't always crash when games do that. Try to support Komisari for their dedication to give you a free game, and not bash them for something "You didn't pay for!". Sorry for raising my voice, but I was afraid I wouldn't be heard over the complaints. Great job Komisari, and keep up the good work. Can't wait to see naughty Mrs. Claus Lucy for Christmas.


I don't have an insane build, quite out of date actually, but my 1060 should be fine running this without problems. I don't think it's my gpu but the optimization on the game. I've always had relatively "weird" fps on this game and I have no clue why. When my game is idle/when my cursor isn't moving around, it's at a stable 200-210. When I move my cursor, it drops down to an astonishing 20 or even lower fps.

Hello. This is a bug I'm trying to fix!