Ok you made this game in 3 days. took 1 minute to load the game on the web. i didn't mind after i did 5 time refresh was annoying also the first level was confusing with the rug bear i tough it was part of the game decoration. i didn't know if i need it to run fast or jump over it because i kept getting eaten i try it 10 try couldn't pass the first part of the level with the rug bear. i wanted to download the game at that point but there was no window download maybe next time make level 1 more easy and explain the enemies you should of made a restart key so people didn't have to keep refreshing the page and wait 1 minute every time. i wish i could actually play the game :( art look really good and music. maybe you should had use the 6 day to test your game and do a bit of research how to make a key button to restart the game level instead of waiting 1 minute every time to play the game again .