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(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

I'm willing to give the game more of a chance but there is a lot about this idea that seems misleading or not really thought out. What audience are you going for here? Most people interested in playing as a Male pc aren't really interested in watching other people fuck. That defeats the entire purpose of the Male player character in the first place, it's also a turn off to just see all of the girls obsessed with animal cocks that are 10 times the size of the mcs. People don't want to share the girls with other dudes or animals for that matter, so I recommend an option for that content not happen at all unless the player goes for it. People would want basically a harem of the main girls.

Secondly you're clearly trying to show off that the male player character is mr big dick, but you kinda ruin that with everyone except some twink having a dick that is massively bigger than the player character. Was it it intended for the futa to be like 4 times the mcs size? Because thats how its drawn, its pretty emasculating to have some female with a massively bigger cock then you banging one of the main girls. Please tell me that isn't intended for the elf and that is a magical dildo or spell and she's not actually futa.

And what sort of player character to non player character content ratio are you going for here? I'd expect the player character to be like 80 to 90% of the scenes, otherwise why does he exist and why are you not just going with a female pc or something? I wouldn't have interest in that,  but it would be more fitting if the male player character isn't the focus.

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As long as the focus more on the MC and make the cuck stuff optional the game would be really good. Mc needs at least around 50% of the content. Would also like a non futa version for the elf.


I'd expect way more than 50% of the content honestly. Thats already in territory of him not needing to even exist at that point.


If you don't like the content, you don't have to play. You're asking the creators to rework most of the game.


Not really no, because its a demo and very little to rework atm. The one true dick mode puts the game more in the direction that actually makes sense for what it was originally tagged as, but the issue will how the content ratio plays out.  So I'm hoping the creator explains what the actual focus of the game is, no one is going to be that bothered if optional non player character related content is added from time to time as long as  the vast majority of the scenes are the player character banging the women in the game.  You don't play a male player character to watch other characters gets laid, that defeats the purpose of him. You might as well not actually have a protagonist at all at that point, he serves no actual purpose. But this game is early on, creator hasn't really explained his intentions so who knows. 


YOU don't play a male player character to watch other characters get laid, but other people do. I think this is a great game with great art and I just want to see more of it.

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Most people do otherwise there wouldn't be this level of complaining in the threads about the game or in this comment section. Most games about male player characters except for literal NTR games which is an entirely different genre than this game is going for, are about the mc fucking all of the girls for a reason. Because thats the point of having one, if you don't want to make it about the male player character doing the fucking. Change the character, change the marketing, remove the male player character in its entirety because it doesn't fit your audience.