How do you get all achivments, like any hints are wanted. I got the brian one but have n o i d e a how to get a gun. Im slowly losing my mind. I will not rest till I have awnsers.
try friends button a few times and then check the attic
theres a f r i e n d s button????
titlescreen ;)
Where? i feel so bad bothering you but I can't find it anywhere? I looked in controls box and can't see it? is this a button you have to find?
its in the title screen, under the badges button
oh i know that, but i mean how do i make friends? is there a button for it or???
just hit it a few times and you might hear a gun sound, then check the attic and pick it up with space.
the joke is the button says you dont have friends so your anger generates a gun, i dont know what i was on when i came up with this thingy
how di get ino the attic
jump when stan jumps in window seen