Hey, Candlbrae! This might be totally odd and out of the blue, but we have a mutual friend who'd like to talk to you again! He was a friend of yours on tumblr and he's been trying to reconnect! If you could add me on discord so I can link you to him I'd really appreciate it! My username is (H)Eleanor#7201, or if it works better, my snapchat is meowwow72! Or if you think I'm a bot or something, reply to this and I will try and keep an eye out for it
Oh my god, it's been ages- I remember talking on Kik. Thank you for getting us back in contact!
Sent you a Discord friend request- my username is Owls if that helps. Not dropping the number so I don't get random friend requests.
Does he have a Discord at all? I probably didn't see the Twitter message because my Candlebrae account isn't my main.