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(1 edit)

Can you enable the nvidia optimus dGPU opt-in said in this url

Intel internal gpu is not enough to handle the game with all graphic set to maximum.

It's also not true to set the java binary always use dGPU.Pls add the trick so Laptop players with dual graphic card can happy.


UPDATE: I built the game myself with your source code so I don't know if such solution is already in the launcher.I saw your game entirely written in java which is a bit hard to implement such trick.

The dGPU opt-in you are referring to is already implemented in the official release for 64-bit Windows.

Unfortunately, there is no way to enable this feature from pure Java code. To overcome this, the official release uses the Groan Autodeployer, which is an executable wrapper that is able to enable the switch in native code before starting the Java Virtual Machine. The Groan Autodeployer is available on my SourceForge profile if you want to set this up yourself. But, the documentation and configuration is not very user friendly and please understand I do not offer technical support for this.

There are other Java executable wrappers you can try which have better documentation. I have never seen one that has the dGPU opt-in, but they do play nicer with Nvidia Optimus (e.g. you can configure the executable separately in the Nvidia control panel, or if you have a somewhat recent driver you can right click on the executable to select the GPU).

Without creating a native executable I think the only way to use the dGPU is to set the java executable itself to use the dGPU in the Nvidia control panel. In my experience this will work if you select the correct version of the executable, but I understand it's not a very nice solution.

Thanks for your explaination. I have also succesfully run the game with dGPU using the method in that aritcle.