Great work! The game gives off a great vibe with beautiful environment and character design, and a very fitting music track.
The gameplay is quite interesting and has a lot of potential IMO. In the jam version of the game there are a few shortcomings but if you're interested in keeping working on the game, I could see it polished into something quite nice. Some issues I had (playing with controller):
- In the first quest, it's not immediately obvious what parts of the environment are actually solid platforms that you can jump/dash on. At first I used up all my moonstone trying to do some upward dash because I didn't understand that the small bits of environment on the left were actually platforms.
- The shooting system is quite interesting, but I found it also quite hard to control with a controller, leading to too many frustrating deaths.
- I don't know how far I went into the game (stopped after dying a few times at the 3rd enemy - and mostly dying many times on the way with the 2nd one), but having to restart from the bottom each time got quickly frustrating, I'd have preferred to respawn at the last moonshine location where I could replenish my energy and health.
Overall it's a very impressive entry and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it if you keep working on it!